Deciding to buy at The Grove is exciting but also a time for you, your family, and your advisors to be clear on the terms of our agreement with you. Outlined below is a summary, in simple terms, of our commitments to all our residents. These commitments are included in the Occupation Licence you will sign. This is not an exhaustive list but is intended to cover the main terms of our agreement which most materially affect you as a resident. We always recommend you seek independent legal advice and read the full terms of our agreement before you purchase.

1. Fixed weekly fees for life

Your Weekly Fee payment will remain the same for your life in the village. You can have total peace of mind around your ongoing expenses as your fee is fixed on the date you settle in the village Each resident is responsible for their own power, phone, internet, paid TV, vehicle and contents insurance and water expenses.

2. No capital loss

We commit that your exit payment from the village will be based on your purchase price, and never be affected by any decline in the value of your home. The Grove will bear the risk of this.

3. Continuity of care

Care options are available to residents at facilities in close proximity to The Grove. Assistance with access to these services will be provided via The Grove. We commit to help you facilitate the care you may need whether it be privately, or government subsidised.

4. Placing our residents’ welfare and needs first

As the operator of The Grove our job is to run the village in favour of all our residents. We commit to regularly engage in both formal and informal settings, to listen, improve and make decisions on behalf of all the residents while respecting any individual’s needs.

5. Ongoing maintenance costs

Any ongoing maintenance on the outside of your home is our responsibility to repair or replace, at our cost. Any damage either accidental or wilful that is over and above fair wear and tear, however, will be at the resident’s cost or a cost to your insurance.

6. Changing your mind

Changing your mind is a natural part of life, and it’s important that you’re happy with a purchase as large as a home. We commit that if you do change your mind within 15 days of signing your Occupation Licence, for any reason, we will refund your deposit (with interest).

7. Protecting your home

Knowing your home is fully protected should the unexpected happen is crucial to feeling secure in your retirement. We commit to hold comprehensive insurance for the wider village and your home to fully protect the value so we can rebuild in case a catastrophic event occurs. If for any reason we cannot rebuild at the same location or nearby, we will refund your full entry payment for your home, without any deductions.

8. Selling your home

We commit to refurbish, market and sell your home once you no longer require it, as quickly as possible and with no charge to you, your estate or family. There will be no refurbishment charged for the sale of your home and your Village Contribution is capped at 27% on exit from the village. If there is any unreasonable or significant damage, over and above fair wear and tear, we may seek compensation for the costs. If so, these costs will be clearly outlined and agreed with you.

CLICK HERE If you would like to talk to a member of The Grove team.